LUXURIOUS THROWS AVAILABLE NOW! Free shipping on all orders over $99!
What should I do if a thread catches and pulls long?
Simply use a sharp scissor and snip it down to the same length as the other loops. You won’t even see the pull after!
My towels aren’t absorbing water well enough- how can they become more absorbent?
Did you soak them enough? The ecru towels will need to be soaked longer than color or white towels as they have the most natural fibers which have not been processed. When submerged in water, try massaging the water into the threads, soak for 24 hours and then air-dry. Follow with a cold-warm water machine wash and dry as normal. See our Wash & Care page for more details. (LINK)
Do you have any white towels?
Yes, any of the Classic Turkish Towels are available in white from our warehouse in Turkey. Please contact us at for special orders.
Can I order bathroom towels or robes without the fringe or tassels?
Yes! The hassle isn’t for everyone. The hand tied tassel does give proof of a hand loomed piece but we are happy to remove it for you upon request. This would be considered a special order and can be done on any robe, towel or throw. Please contact us:
Is the white towel as soft as the ecru natural color?
Yes! It will feel harder when new but after several washes and use it will be as soft as any of the towels.
I purchased a patterned towel 1 year ago, is it available for re-order?
No, each pattern is woven especially for that production. We do not typically repeat patterns. However there are some very complex patterns that we do keep and continue to re-order from the weavers. Additionally, if you would like to order larger numbers for a hotel or business, we can create a special color and pattern for you, that would be unique. Please contact us for special orders:

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